'Doka'. Curated by Geert Goiris - Museum M, Leuven
'Bal (De)Masqué'. James Ensor, The Mask in Art. Group exhibition - Emile Verhaerenmuseum, Puurs-St-Amands
'Alias'. Fictional artists - Museum M, Leuven
'Please leave your message!' - Kunsttempel Kassel (D)
'Solo 35: Peter Morrens - Suspended' - Club Solo , Breda (NL)
+ side-program: 'Wind', Marcell Iványi / 'Allemaal Gedichten', Gerard Herman/ 'The Singing Painters', Laura van and Merlyn Paridaen.
+ multiple publication: 'Bijna Tevergeefs'
‘De die die’. Multiple published by Artlead
'Kunst en onderwijs' - Fabriek Noord, Antwerp
'Oude wijn/ nieuwe zakken'. Installation. Group exhibition, in collaboration with Maikel Degreve - De Warande, Turnhout
'Hot Spot #1 Painting'. Group exhibition, curated by Narcisse Tordoir - Valerie Traan, Antwerp
'A Silent Rush'. Group exhibition - De Kunstkamer Herentals
'Blijven Hangen'. Solo exhibition - Valerie Traan, Antwerp
'Zij Die Komen, Zij die Gaan.' Billboard Series, curated by Thomas Caron - Kunstencentrum 019, Ghent
‘Minstens 1 1/2u en terug’. Exhibition trail - De Warande, Turnhout
‘Outdoor Hiking with Sound & Other Fireworks’. Group soundscape - Middelheimpark, Antwerp
‘Let's get out’. Installation parcours, group exhibition - Kasteel Ooidonk + Goed De Reables
2020‘Zonder Kunstenaars Geen Kunst'. Nick Lodgers - Muhka, Antwerp (catalogue) (+ performance)
‘Gekende Woorden'. Group exhibition, theme: language - Tielt Academy
2019'The Gulf Between' - De Warande, Turnhout (visitor's guide)
'Dutch Art with Text en Humor ?NO THANKS!' - HKU | AG - Ruimte voor nieuwe kunst en media (+ performance)
'Beuys Gardens.' Posterproject - CROXHAPOX , Ghent
Multiple. In collaboration with Bart Stolle - Krieg, Hasselt
'Woordkunst' - Walden Art Stories, Antwerp (+ performance)
'A Question of Place/ No Limits In A Cellar' - Private residence Eilandje, Herentals
Kunstenfestival Watou
'Trust'. Collection presentation - Les Brasseurs, Luik showing works from S.M.A.K, Ghent
'Trust', recent purchases - SMAK, Ghent
'De Proeflezer III' - concertzaal Vooruit, Ghent
'Food Matters, all you need is lavatory'. - CROXHAPOX, Ghent
In collaboration with Benoit Felix
In collaboration with Jeroen Frateur (+ performance)
'Belo Horizonte' - Kristof de Clercq Gallery, Gent (+ performance)
Art Brussels. Solo exhibition - Tour & Taxi, Brussels
'Krasj 4'. - oud RTT gebouw, Ninove
'Art on Paper' - Bozart, Brussels
'Natijd', in collaboration with Pol Pirart - OYOU, Marchin
'MÊME TEMPS', - Les Brasseurs, Luik (see publication)
'Drawing Now' - Le Carreau du Temple, Paris
'Zeitraum.' Exhibition for a multiple - Roger Raveelmuseum, Machelen
'De Nieuwe Omstandigheden' - CROXHAPOX Gent
'De Laatste Show' - Voorkamer, Lier
'Nog 3 en een 1/2 uur' - Loods 12, Wetteren
multiple with Koba De Meutter
'GUTS/NO GUTS Peter Morrens/Klaas Kloosterboer' - Kristof Declercq gallery, Gent
'It‘s a kind of magic' - Het Paviljoen/ KASK Gent
Participating artist in Joanneke Meester's block calender: 'I'm not doing anything until I find the need'
'Commitment is (not) a word' - Ramfoundation, Rotterdam
'Inside The City.' Posters - Bremen
'Veldwerk' - Drawing Centre Diepenheim
'YOU HAVE NO IDEA.' Curated by Alain Bilterest - 6b Gallery, Elingen
Konnektor, Forum fur Kunste, Hannover
Solo exhibition - Art Rotterdam, Gallery Van Den Berge
'Posture eEditions Book ‘covers.’' Solo exhibition - Gallery Kristof De Clercq
'Zeitraum' - Roger Raveelmuseum, Machelen
'De Witte Arena - Nieuw en Meer, Amsterdam
‘Endless Drawing Project.’ In collaboration with Hannelore Van Dijck - Voorkamer, Lier
‘The Big Draw’ - SMAK, Ghent
‘Final Show’ - Lokaal 01, Breda
‘Ik Wordt.’ Contribution to Johan De Wilde - Voorkamer, Ghent
‘Isola Comacina.’ Artist residency - Lake Como, Italy
‘A Collector’s Eye’ - Museum Belvedere, Friesland
‘Vindplaatsen en Voortgangsberichten’ - Drawing Centre Diepenheim (NL)
‘12.’ Graph folder - Convent 12, Ghent
‘Zeichnen zur zeit.’ Contribution - Konnektor, Forum fur Kunste, Hannover
'The Things That(‘s) Left' - Dean Project, New York
'(It) Works On Paper' - Kristof De Clercq Gallery, Ghent
‘Ah-Ha.’ Open-air exhibition - Castle Parc Seneffe
‘Bookshow’ - be-Part, Waregem
‘Unmittelbar' - Lage Egal, Berlin
‘De Zwervende Tentoonstelling’ - CC, Delft (NL)
'Drawing, in and outside writing.' Book Presentation - Museum M, Leuven
'In the company of humour' - Lokaal 01, Breda (NL)
'Lichtwit.' Installation - Drawing Centre Diepenheim (NL) (catalogue) (+ interview VPRO 'De Avonden')
'Sugar Mountain.' In collaboration with Ignatz - Galerie Van Den Berge, Goes
'Uitgesteld.' In collaboration with Paul Verstreken and Wim Cuyvers - Voorkamer Lier
'Kunstwerkewerfen' - Museum Brachland, Bochum (D)
'Drawing, In- and Outside Writing.' Research project - Voorkamer, Lier (catalogue)
'Salon Imaginaire' - Arti et Amictiae, Amsterdam
'Connections.' Drawings - Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes
'Wall' - Art Rotterdam, Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes
'II,' - Les Brasseurs, Luik
'Zweierlei' - Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel (CH)
'The Power of Drawing' - Gallery Geukens & de Vil (catalogue)
'GroupShow' - Gallery Maes & Mathys, Antwerp
'Pattern Recognition' - White Space Gallery, Beijing (catalogue)
'In my own words, ladenkastproject' - Gallery Phoebus, Rotterdam
'Verwantschappen' - Z33, Hasselt
Residence, with exhibition - Los Gazquez, Granada (ES) (+ performance)
'Uit het geheugen' - Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent (catalogue)
Artist Conversations - James Taylor Gallery, London
'12,5 Years Voorkamer' - Voorkamer, Lier (catalogue)
'Drawing Actions' - De Werft, Geel (catalogue)
'Th ink' - St. Lucas, Ghent (cahier publication)
'N7' - Governors Island, New York
'Found/ Gevonden/ Trouvé' - Voorkamer, Lier
'Him Hanfang' - Austellungsraum Klingental, Basel (CH)
'Accidenten.' In collaboration with Marc Nagtzaam - Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes (NL)
'Brainbox#2.' In collaboration with Deborah Delva en Griet Dobbels - CROXHAPOX, Ghent
'De Boe en Morrens' - Gallery El, Welle
'Over een titel wordt nog nagedacht' - Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes (NL)
Art Rotterdam, Galerie van den Berge, Goes (NL) (catalogue)
'De helft van het werk.' Solo exhibition - CROXHAPOX, Ghent (catalogue)
'Begijnen Ontbloot' - Artuaticafestival, Tongeren
'Be-tekenen II' - De Doos, Hasselt
'Speelhoven, one more time' - Speelhoven, Aarschot (catalogue)
'Newark Between Us, Transitory' - New Ark (USA)
'Brainbox #1.' In collaboration with Ward Denys en Johan De Wilde - CROXHAPOX, Ghent
'En Retard/ On Time/ Over Tijd' - Kunstencentrum Netwerk, Aalst (catalogue)
'Sugar-free' - Netwerk Gallery, Aalst
'Basics #2' - CROXHAPOX, Ghent
'Whole, Among Others 5.' In collaboration with Juha Valkeaapa - Kunstlerhaus Dortmund (D) (catalogue)
'Zie Tekening' - Stedelijk Museum Wuyts-Van Campen, Lier (catalogue)
'Puddles 2004.' Group exhibition. In collaboration with Rik De Boe, Yosuke Ito,... - Gallery Surge, Tokyo (catalogue)
'Extra Muros' - CC Strombeek
'Uwen hof.' Solo exhibition - Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes (NL)
'Werken Op Papier' - Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes (NL)
'Low Fish' - Frontroom, Williamsburg, New York
'Beeld in park.' In collaboration with Rik De Boe - Felix Happark, Brussels (catalogue)
'Sight Seeing, Sight Mapping.' In collaboration with Experimental Intermedia, Ghent - Gallery Surge, Tokyo (catalogue)
'De Zeeberg' - Gallery Netwerk #2, Aalst (catalogue)
'Verder terug.' Location Project - Trechter 5, Goes (NL) (catalogue) (+ multiple)
'Zuster S, Begina'. Location project - Voorkamer, Begijnhof Lier (catalogue)
2001'Roompr.' Video & Multiple Publication. In collaboration with Maria Blondeel, Lieve D’Hondt, Rik De Boe, Peter Morrens - Voorkamer, Lier
'Casa Rural' - De Pianofabriek, Brussels
'Kunst & Zwalm.' Location Project - Zwalmstreek (catalogue)
'IM.' In collaboration with Rik De Boe - Waterschei (catalogue)
'Puddles.' Artist Initiative Links - Sumiso, Osaka (catalogue)
'Bureaulandschap' - Onderland Gallery, Ghent
Solo exhibition - Art Page Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
'Geen Tijd.' Location project - Voorkamer, Lier
'Een kabinet' - Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes (NL)
'Informatiedagen' - Argos Brussels (catalogue)
'Artists Confront Television' - Telenicc Brussel (catalogue)
'Among Others 3.' Artist in residence - Künsthalle Exnergasse, Wenen (A) (catalogue/ CD)
'On Line, a drawing exhibition' - Art Page, New York
'Ontspoord, L.P. Boon.' In collaboration with Rik De Boe - Oud Politiekantoor, Aalst (catalogus)
'De Nieuwe Frisheid' - Huize De Boe, Ninove
'Wie in zijn eigen vel snijdt, krijgt wildgroei.' Solo exhibition - Watertoren, Vlissingen (NL)
'Un siècle de collage en Belgique' - La Louvière (catalogue)
'Onix Shoe.' Location Project in collaboration with Dirk De Zoute - Lier (catalogue)
'Appartement Noor' - Appartementsblok Francken, Antwerp
'Natural Imagination' - Meise
'Alom en Hiernevens' - Zwartzustersklooster, Lier (catalogue) (+ multiple publication)
Founder of Voorkamer with Rik De Boe
'Richtingen.' Solo exhibition - GHL, Middelburg (NL)
'Lokaal voor tijdelijke wetenschap & Kunst: Peter Morrens: bedrieglijk inzicht/Herman Smit, WAARnemer' - Netwerk Gallery, Aalst (+ multiple publication)
'Zeeuwse Reportage' - Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes (NL)
1994'De Wit & Morrens' - Gallery Christine & Isy Brachot, Brussels
'De Poulains.' Travelling exhibition - Vooruit, Ghent
'10 PK' - vzw Gulden Sporen, Kortrijk
'5 voor 12.' (Winner of) - Universiteitsbibliotheek, Leuven
'Reconstructie.' In collaboration with Christoph Fink en Henk Somers - Conservatorium, Ghent
'Vijf kunstenaars' - Gele Zaal, Ghent (catalogue)
Sint Pietersabdij, Ghent
Residency - Isola Comacina Italy
'20 Jaar Grafiek' - CC Harelbeke
'Papier, Beeld en Basis' - Gallery Netwerk, Aalst (catalogue)
'VoorBeelden.' Solo exhibition - Gallery Netwerk, Aalst (+ multiple publication)
'Tragische Momenten in het Museum, details uit het wrede theater der vergetelheid' - Zaal 1715 Bijlokemuseum, Ghent
'91 maal 25, Bureaux et Magasins' - Oostende/Netwerk gallery, Aalst/Academie, Menen/VMHK, Ghent (+ multiple publication)
'Trans Europe Off Art' - WUK, Wenen (AU)
'Irirtis' - Vrije Val, Antwerp
'Barabaro' - Theatro di Settignano, Firenze (I) (catalogue)
'PetitFormat' - Oud Hospitaal, Aalst
'Sfinks Museum' - Sfinksvilla, Boechout/ Vrije Val, Antwerp
'In Delen' - Oud hospitaal, Aalst (catalogue)
'Kalken' - Den Bouw, Kalken
'Jonge beeldende kunstenaars' - Vleeshuis, Lier
'Hedendaags Kunstsalon' - Waregem
'Tekenen' - Vereniging Museum voor Hedendaagse Kunst, Ghent
'Snark project, omtrent Lewis Caroll' - De Singel, Antwerp/ Beursschouwburg, Brussels/ Zwarte Zaal, Ghent/ Scharpoord, Knokke/ De Brakke grond, Amsterdam (catalogue/ multiple publication/ LP)
'Sprachlich Angespannt', in collaboration with Jesse Cremers - 'please leave your message' - Kunsttempel Kassel (D)
'KINEMA', in collaboration with Klaas Vanhee, Jesse Cremers, and Thomas Desmet - 'Solo 35: Peter Morrens - Suspended' - Club Solo , Breda (NL)
2022'PRTXT' - Playground Fesrtival @ Museum M, Leuven
'Wachtkamers' ('5O jaar De warande'). Installation, part of the walking trail - De Warande, Turnhout
2021'Wachtkamers'. Parcours performance - 'Minstens 1 1/2u en terug' - de Warande, Turnhout
2019'B=B' in 'The Gulf Between' - De Warande, Turnhout
'Woordkunst' - Walden Art Stories, Antwerp
2018'De Proeflezer II' - Kristof De Clercq gallery, Ghent & Kunstenfestival Watou, Properinge
2017Cirque Kask Gent
2016'De die die.' In collaboration with Xia Roodenburg, Zwart wild - KOER, Gent
2015‘Art Traces’(100 jaar gasaanval)' - Langemark-Poelkapelle
2011'Ik Zal (Lichtblauwe Versie)' - Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
'Ik Zal Eens Goed Komen Lachen' - Lokaal 01, Breda
'Wit licht' - Drawing Centre Diepenheim (NL)
'Kunstwerkewerfen' - Brachland Museum, Bochum
'Over' - Camberwell University of The Arts, London
'Nocturama, Drawing In and Outside' - Voorkamer, Lier
'ICP' - Ghent
End of Residency - Los Gazquez, Granada, Andalucia (ES)
'Always Starting Again.' Lecture-performance - St. Lucas department for architecture, Brussels/ Stichting Diepenheim, Enschede (NL)
2008'Altijd opnieuw beginnen.' Lecture-performance symposium mastermarathon - St. Lucas, Ghent
2007'De presidentes van Werner Schwab' - Collective TG Vagevuur, Lier
2006'Footnote.' A cut-up performance in collaboration with Marcelo Aguirre - Alte Buchbinderei, Berlin
2005'24u.' In collaboration with Juha Valkeapaa, Marcello Aguirre en Andreas Fulgosi) - Netwerk Gallery, Aalst
2004'A good beginning.' In collaboration with Juha Valkeapaa - Künstlerhaus, Dortmund (D)
'Low Fish'. In collaboration with Machiko Tagami - Gallery Surge Tokyo
'Speechless' - CC Strombeek
2003'Low Fish.' In collaboration with Rik De Boe, Patricia Smith, Michael Ballou en David First - Frontroom, New York
'EN vier redevoeringen.' In collaboration with Bart Meuris en Johan De Paepe
'Low Fish.' Solo exhibition - Gallery Rachel Haferkamp, Köln (D)
2002'The Birds (Casa Rural)' - De Pianofabriek, Brussels
'Low Fish.' In collaboration with Rik De Boe - RHoK, Brussels/ De Zeeberg, Aalst
'Low Fish, (Fricties).' In collaboration with Rik De Boe en Lieve D’hondt - Vooruit, Ghent
2001'Roompr' - Voorkamer, Lier
2000'Ann was stunned' - Art Page Gallery, New York
1999'Simul/T.' In collaboration with Jerome Noettinger, and Lionel Marchetti - WUK, Vienna
'The Lesson, 91 attempts to work' - WUK, Vienna
'Dag en nachtevening.' Mobile audio performance - Vienna
'Becoming.' Solo performance - Vienna-Kahlenberg (A)
1988'Aleksandra Roube-Jensky.' In collaboration with Christoh Fink - Dansfestival De Beweeging, Antwerp
1987'#1.' In collaboration with Christoph Fink - Zwarte Zaal, Ghent
'Simulacra/Quo Vadis?' In collaboration with Christoph Fink - Sfinksfestival, Boechout/ Try, CBA, Anderlecht